Since July 31, the Detroit metro area has been visited by “The Truth Booth,” an ongoing interactive project conceived by Cause Collective, and brought for a two-week intensive visit to Michigan by a $60,000 Knight Arts Challenge grant awarded to the Cranbrook Art Museum. Laura Mott, curator of contemporary art and design at Cranbrook, worked […]
Tagged: Cause Collective, Dearborn, Detroit, MI, Flint, Laura Mott, MI
Read MoreYou may see an enormous speech bubble around Mid-Michigan.The collective art project arrived from Detroit and will be spending a few nights in the Vehicle City."It's giving everybody a chance to say what's on their mind," said Daniel Ashbury, Flint resident.He turned his two cents into a piece of art. It was made possible with the Truth Booth, a traveling recording studio. It encourages people to come in and speak their minds.
The Truth Booth has landed in Flint.It's an inflatable video recording booth, in the shape of a large speech bubble. You head inside, pin on a microphone, push record, and then speak your truth.Yes it's art. That's what organizers say.
An art exhibit and social experiment has come to Flint, Michigan this week.The project was started by artists with the Cause Collective. They're currently touring a "Truth Booth" around the country, with hopes of visiting all 50 states by Election Day.Their stop in Michigan will be the longest on the tour.
Curious visitors arrived at the Arab American National Museum to share their truth in the Truth Booth art installation Aug. 3.The portable, inflatable booth shaped similar to a cartoon speech bubble with the word “truth” on the outside served as a video recording studio for anyone willing to participate.
An inflatable video recording studio will be in Detroit and the Flint area over the next week and a half. Everyone is invited to visit the Truth Booth and make their statements completing the sentence, "The truth is ... ."The responses will be compiled together and used in an art video installation that will be at Cranbrook Art Museum in November of 2016."Everyone treats the Truth Booth differently," says Laura Mott with Cranbrook Art Museum. "It really depends on the person. Some people use it really as a confessional; others use it as a place to kind of share stories of joy and laughter and compassion; other people really use it as a platform to talk about difficult issues."
Young artists from around the world travel to Michigan every year to attend the Cranbrook Summer Arts Institute in Bloomfield Hills. This summer students came from as far away as Japan and as close as Fraser’s Arts Academy in the Woods for the program. “This was a phenomenal opportunity for our eight students who attended,” […]
The Truth Booth, an inflatable video recording studio in the shape of a giant speech bubble, popped up at Cranbrook offering visitors the chance to answer the question "The Truth Is..." Responses will be used in a project on display this November.Video interview with Cause Collective artist Will Sylvester.
BLOOMFIELD HILLS, Mich. (AP) — A portable, inflatable recording studio is coming to Michigan as part of a national tour until Election Day.The public artwork, "In Search of the Truth (The Truth Booth)," opens at Cranbrook Art Museum on Sunday in Bloomfield Hills. The pop-up booth travels to 11 more locations around Detroit and Flint during the next two weeks.Organizers seek people from varied cultural backgrounds to record a statement of up to two minutes starting with, "The truth is..."
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