Join us for an exclusive ArtMembers Weekend celebrating Cranbrook Art Museum’s members. ArtMembers will have special access to the exhibition Toshiko Takaezu: Worlds Within before it opens to the public. 

  • Enjoy complimentary drip coffee from our new FIKA Café while you peruse ongoing exhibitions from our permanent collection in the museum’s lower level.*  
  • Take a deep dive and learn more when you join a curator-led tour.  
  •  Get your holiday shopping done early (and don’t forget to buy something for yourself!) with double discount days at the Museum Store.
  •  Come early on Saturday, October 5th at 10am and meet the Michigan Mushroom Hunters Club at Cranbrook Institute of Science. They will lead an opportunity to learn about mushrooms common to Southeast Michigan and responsible foraging followed by a campus-wide mushroom hunt and identification with experts from the University of Michigan’s Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department. RSVP for the Mushroom Hunt here. 
  • You won’t leave empty-handed! Take home one of a selection of our in-house publications featuring Cranbrook artists and designers.  

 Already an ArtMember? Register today! 

Not an ArtMember? Join today!

We look forward to welcoming new and returning ArtMembers to this exciting weekend! Please direct Membership questions to and Mushroom Hunt questions to 

 *Other non-alcoholic beverages and snacks are available for purchase at the Café. 

Tagged: ArtMembers, Toshiko Takaezu: Worlds Within