Date(s) - Sun, 11/15/2020
11:00 am - 5:00 pm UTC
Cranbrook Art Museum, Art Lab
39221 Woodward Ave.
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
Join us from 11am–5pm on Nov. 14 and 15, 2020, for the 10th Annual Cup Sale, organized by the Cranbrook Academy of Art Ceramics Department. This year, the event will be held inside the Art Lab at Cranbrook Art Museum and spread out over two days to allow for safe shopping protocols.
Only a small amount of shoppers will be allowed into the Art Lab at one time, and all guests are free to visit the galleries of Cranbrook Art Museum while they wait. Guests must wear a mask and observe all Museum safety protocols, outlined here.
Guests should park in the Cranbrook Art Museum parking lot (overflow parking is available in the parking deck at Cranbrook Institute of Science). Guests will then check-in at the tent located next to the parking lot to be escorted into the sale.
We hope you can join us!
Tagged: Ceramics, Cranbrook Academy of Art
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Tagged: Ceramics, Cranbrook Academy of Art