Lecture: Creative Time + Space: Artist Residencies 

Lecture: Creative Time + Space: Artist Residencies 

Date(s) - Wed, 11/20/2019
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm UTC

Cranbrook Art Museum
39221 Woodward Ave.
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48303

Lisa Hoffman headshot with coral blouse

Lecture: Creative Time + Space: Artist Residencies 

Date(s) - Wed, 11/20/2019
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm UTC

Cranbrook Art Museum
39221 Woodward Ave.
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48303

Lecture Title: Creative Time + Space: Artist Residencies 

This Professional Practices workshop focuses on artist residencies and retreats, and the importance of making time for both throughout the development of creative work. Presentation will include tips on how to research, select and apply for residencies that are right for you. With Lauren Rossi and confirmed featured speaker: Lisa Hoffman, Executive Director of the Alliance of Artist Communities. 

Lectures are free and open to the public. Sponsored by Cranbrook Academy of Art.

Tagged: 2019, Cranbrook Academy of Art, deSalle, lecture
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Tagged: 2019, Cranbrook Academy of Art, deSalle, lecture
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