Date(s) - Tue, 02/04/2020
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm UTC
Cranbrook Art Museum deSalle Auditorium
39221 Woodward Ave.
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
Detroit Artist Robert Sestok shares archival photographs and stranger than fiction tales from his personal history, ruminating on Detroit’s past to illuminate its future. With live ambient musical accompaniment by John Duffy.
Born in Detroit, Sestok has been creating work since 1967. He has exhibited at the Detroit Institute of Arts, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago), Cranbrook Art Museum, and Marianne Boesky Gallery among others. In 2015, he opened City Sculpture Park, a public art space in Detroit exhibiting three decades of work.
This program is made possible through support from AXD, a city-wide, multi-disciplinary series led by Creative Many and powered by the Kresge Foundation.
Talk is free and open to all.
Visit Robert Sestok’s website here.
Tagged: Detroit, Lecture Series, Robert Sestok
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Tagged: Detroit, Lecture Series, Robert Sestok
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