Please join us for a free, public lecture by Alex Timm, partner at raumlaborberlin, a Berlin-based collective of 9 architects working at the intersection of architecture, city planning, art, and urban intervention.
Cranbrook Academy of Art’s 2024-25 Public Lecture Series is free and open to the public at Cranbrook’s deSalle Auditorium. Cranbrook Art Museum is open late and free to all on Thursdays, please arrive early to explore our current exhibitions.
Axel Timm studied Architecture in Berlin (TU Berlin). 2003–2005; member of the board of Kunstfabrik am Flutgraben e.V. Since 2005 he has been head of “Autotrans Ltd.”, a society for artistic production and studio administration. He was a guest professor at the FH Dortmund from 2010 to 2011.
Tagged: 2024, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Lecture Series
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