Shanna Merola

Shanna Merola

Date(s) - Thu, 09/20/2018
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm UTC

Cranbrook Art Museum deSalle Auditorium
39221 Woodward Ave.
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

Facebook Event
Shanna Merola portrait with protest signs

Shanna Merola

Date(s) - Thu, 09/20/2018
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm UTC

Cranbrook Art Museum deSalle Auditorium
39221 Woodward Ave.
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

Facebook Event

Can I Get a Witness? – Legal Observer & Know your Rights Workshop

The National Lawyers Guild is a collective of human rights advocates working within the legal system. We provide support for political movements around the country by defending civil rights from the courts to the streets.
We maintain that everyone has the right to access and understand the law, in order to protect themselves and others against unconstitutional police practices. Know Your Rights and Legal Observer workshops provide people with the tools to make confident, informed decisions during police encounters. They cover best practices when filming and documenting police misconduct and how to protect your notes for court.

Know Your Rights workshops are facilitated with sensitivity to marginalized groups and those disproportionately targeted by racialized police violence. We believe that those most oppressed by the criminal justice system should be leading the movement and hope that our resources provide support to communities in struggle.

This event is FREE

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Tagged: 2018, lecture
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