Join us to learn about the mushrooms of Southeast Michigan with the Michigan Mushroom Hunters Club (MMHC) and experts from the Herbarium at the University of Michigan.

Prior to the hunt, we’ll gather in the auditorium at Cranbrook Institute of Science to learn about mushroom species and responsible foraging.

Volunteers from MMHC will lead groups or individuals can go out on their own with a foraging map of Cranbrook’s campus. Following the hunt, we’ll meet back at the Institute to learn about the specimens we found with art activities and a pop-up exhibition.  

Free with Museum Admission (admission includes Cranbrook Institute of Science from 10am-1pm and Cranbrook Art Museum from 11am-5pm) 

Register for The Mushroom Hunt!


The Mushroom Hunt is part of Music, Mushroom, Mechanisms: The John Cage Listens to John Cage 50th Anniversary.  

In 1974 John Cage visited Cranbrook Academy of Art at the invitation of Irwin Hollander (AIR Printmaking ‘73-76), the exhibition of his work Music Mushroom Manuscripts, including The Mushroom Book was exhibited at Cranbrook Art Museum accompanied by the performance John Cage Listens to John Cage. Organized and conducted by the 17-year-old Zen Buddhist Stephen Tennent, the concert included a suite of materials designed by the students of the Printmaking Department which we refer to as The Cage Bag. 

The exhibition features Cage’s The Mushroom Book (1972), documentation from John Cage Listens to John Cage including archival photos, the original transparencies of the chance operation carried out for the performance of Variations IV, and other performance ephemera from the archives of conductor Stephen Tennent.  The Cage Bag with contributions by Charles Baughman (CAA MFA Printmaking 1975), Doug Huston (CAA MFA Printmaking 1975), J. Kevin Byrne (CAA MFA Design 1974), Jerome (Jerry) Mullane (CAA Printmaking 75), and others who are unnamed, and photos from the campus visit by Judith Rich and Stephen Milanowski (CAA MFA Photography 1978). Finally, a sample of the mushroom species Stropharia Rugoso-Annulata, collected by John Cage and donated to the University of Michigan Herbarium, which is also featured in the Mushroom Book. 


About the Michigan Mushroom Hunters Club  

Michigan Mushroom Hunters Club (MMHC) provides opportunities for amateur and expert hunters to commune both with nature and with others who share an interest in and appreciation for nature’s bounty. Whether it is discovering a new culinary delight, getting out in the great outdoors, or simply enjoying the company of others, membership and participation in the club will prove to be one of great benefit.  

If you are new to the world of mushroom hunting or mycology, our club offers many public and member hunts, as well as educational events that can get you started in this rewarding activity. MMHC welcomes children accompanied by their parents to participate in these hunts. 
