Chair Challenge

Materials and Final Project Example for Kids Chair Challenge Activity

Chair Challenge

PDF preview for Kids Chair Challenge Activity

Design your own chair prototype! What are two things to consider when designing a chair? Find out in our Chair Challenge Guide.

Share your own chair design on social media with #CREATEwithCAM.

Download Chair Challenge Activity Guide


Cranbrook Art Museum has a range of chairs in our permanent collection highlighting the best designers of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Browse a few of our favorite chairs in our online collection for inspiration.


Sample Materials to use to create a chair design - kids activity

What materials can you find to build your chair design? Cardboard, paper, felt, fabric scraps, twine, ribbon, etc.

Process example of building a chair design out of paper and cardboard

Start building your chair! Think about both the FUNCTION and FORM. Will your chair have four legs, less, or maybe more?

Process #2 of designing chair kids activity

Keep experimenting with your chair design, what unique elements can you incorporate?

Final Chair Design prototype for kids activity

You started with just an idea, now you have a chair design prototype! Examine your chair – are there any finishing touches you want to add?

Slightly more detailed chair design example for kids activity

A few pom-pom pillows finish off this chair design. What does your chair look like? Is it sleek and minimal or detailed and extravagant? Tag us on social media to share your design with us!